After encoding your data, you will then be redirected to a printable page with details you need to know about your admission. Some of these pieces of information are:
- Room Number
- School Name and Map Location
- School Address
- The examination proper will start at 8:00 AM. It is advisable to be at the examination venue by at least 7:00 AM for the preliminary activities. The gates of the school will be closed at exactly 7:30 AM.
- Failure to appear at your scheduled date and time of examination will mean forfeiture of the examination fee and slot.
- The time limit for the Professional Level is 3 hours and 10 minutes, while the Sub-Professional Level is 2 hours and 40 minutes.
- Impersonation and cheating are punishable by dismissal from the service (If employed in government) o bar from entering government service (if not yet employed) and/or imprisonment.
Important things to bring on examination day:
- Valid ID with photo and signature and the same as the identification card you presented at the time of application.
- Application Receipt and/or Notice of School Assignment, given to you after you fill out your application.
- Black Ballpen/s, Pencil and Eraser.
Best of Luck to all Civil Service Examinees!
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